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Is it True That Men Pay More for Life Insurance?

Yes this is for the most part true, and it is not a form of sexual discrimination, it’s about statistics. Life insurance rates, like all insurance products, are based on potential risk, and men as a statistical group are riskier to insure than women, so they pay higher rates. Men die younger then women of almost every typical cause of death that leads to a life insurance claim, including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and just about every form of cancer. Women, only have a higher mortality rate than men in a few causes of death, including breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Men as a group also tend to participate in more high-risk activities and careers than do women. Unfortunately, there is just no way to argue with these statistics, and generally all other things being equal i.e., age, tobacco, use etc, a man is going to pay more for a life insurance policy than a woman would.

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